For thousands of years people have made friends and shared food around a fire, and this is what our concept is all about. “Fire & Friendship”.
Dave and Isaac have known each other for 15 years and Dave was Isaacs’s first mentor in the kitchen – they’ve been good friends ever since. It was always their dream to open a restaurant together and it has finally happened! Dave has always been the bbq king and has always cooked over a wood fire, so opening a restaurant cooking exclusively over wood just made so much sense! You could almost say they are going a bit medieval but in a modern setting.
Although Dave and Isaac both have a fine dining background, they wanted Embers to be a lot more accessible – the kind of place they would love to go to on their days off.
For both of them, the dishes they remember the most fondly are always the simplest ones; dishes that deliver punchy yet contrasting flavour combinations made with great quality seasonal ingredients. This is the basis on which they have designed the menu at Embers.